How To Register An Account

Summary of how to register an account with 4racing.

Step 1: Create an account.

Step 2: Add personal details.

Step 3: Add physical address.

Step 4: Terms and conditions

Step 5: Congratulations.

Step 1: Create an account

Select the "Create an account" link on the sign-in page.

Sign In


Step 1-1

Step 2: Personal details

Fill in your personal details on the application pop-up form.

Sign In


Step 2-1

Step 3: Physical address

Enter your full address on the application form. 

Sign In


Step 3-1

Step 4: Terms and Conditions

Finalise your account registration by accepting the terms and conditions.

Sign In


Step 4-1

Step 5: Congratulations!

You have successfully created a 4Racing account.

Sign In


Step 5-1