Learn the step-by-step process of withdrawal your winnings from your accounts.
Step 1: Log Into your account
Step 2: Proceed to my profile
Step 3: Proceed to "My Funds"
Step 4: Proceed to "Withdraw Funds"
Step 5: Ensure that your banking details are entered and correct
Step 6: Enter the amount you would like to withdraw
Step 7: Proceed with "Request Withdrawal"
Step 8: Success!
Step 1: Log Into your account.
Proceed to My Account
Step 2: Proceed to My Profile
Select My Profile graphic, with balance underneath it.
Step 3: Proceed to My Funds
Select My Funds
Step 4: Proceed to Withdraw Funds
Once on the My Funds screen, select Withdraw Funds
Step 5: Ensure that your banking details are entered and correct
Ensure that you banking details are correct. Should there be no banking details, please update banking details and provide a bank confirmation letter or statement reflecting the account details
Step 6: Enter the amount you would like to withdraw
Enter the amount you would like to withdraw from your account. Ensure that the request does not exceed your available funds
Step 7: Proceed with request withdrawal
Proceed with request withdrawal once you have entered the amount you would like to withdraw
Step 8: Success!
Your withdrawal request has been submitted for processing