How to Withdraw Your Winnings

Learn the step-by-step process of withdrawal your winnings from your accounts.

Step 1: Log Into your account

Step 2: Proceed to my profile

Step 3: Proceed to "My Funds"

Step 4: Proceed to "Withdraw Funds"

Step 5: Ensure that your banking details are entered and correct

Step 6: Enter the amount you would like to withdraw

Step 7: Proceed with "Request Withdrawal"

Step 8: Success!


Step 1: Log Into your account.

Proceed to My Account

TAB4Racing Login

Step 2: Proceed to My Profile

Select My Profile graphic, with balance underneath it.

TAB4Racing Profile


Step 3: Proceed to My Funds

Select My Funds

TAB4Racing Funds


Step 4: Proceed to Withdraw Funds

Once on the My Funds screen, select Withdraw Funds

TAB4Racing Withdraw

Step 5: Ensure that your banking details are entered and correct

Ensure that you banking details are correct. Should there be no banking details, please update banking details and provide a bank confirmation letter or statement reflecting the account details

TAB4Racing Bank and Amount

Step 6: Enter the amount you would like to withdraw

Enter the amount you would like to withdraw from your account. Ensure that the request does not exceed your available funds

TAB4Racing Bank and Amount

Step 7: Proceed with request withdrawal

Proceed with request withdrawal once you have entered the amount you would like to withdraw

Step 8: Success!

Your withdrawal request has been submitted for processing

TAB4Racing Withdrawawl Success